Dear teacher!

More than 100.000 students and their parents are enrolled in the OpenProf database, which means that a large number of your students are already learning with us.

That is why we invite you to take advantage of more than 10.000 freely available learning materials, which you can assemble as Lego bricks into your own collections (textbooks) and adapt to the needs of individual classes. At the same time, you gain insight into the learning habits of your students, which allows you to work more effectively with them.

Free tutorials database
Prepare worksheets for your students

Stop worrying about copyright and copying assignments. With the free OpenProf tool, you can assemble more than 10.000 materials, like Lego bricks, into any collection – which you then publish on OpenProf or incorporate into your online classrooms.
Teachers in schools who would actively use such collections in the classroom are entitled to free access to all OpenProf content.

Your class
Track the progress of your students

You can create classes within your OpenProf teacher profile. This gives you an insight into the learning activity for each of your students, which allows you to provide more effective learning support to them.
Teachers in schools who upload their classes are entitled to free access to all OpenProf content.

Take a look at OpenProf from the inside!