Absolute Value Function

Absolute value for KS4

The absolute value of a real number in mathematics is an elementary function that represents its distance from the numerical origin (point 0) on the number line.

The absolute value of the number a is usually indicated by a vertical bracket:

We know that the distance from the coordinate origin is never negative, so the absolute value of any number is always a non-negative number.

The absolute value is therefore:

  • the absolute value of a positive number is equal to the given number,

  • the absolute value of a negative number is equal to the additive inverse of the given number,

  • the absolute value of number 0 is equal to 0

Mathematically, this can be written as:


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Absolute value in inequalities:

Let a and b be arbitrary real numbers. Then the following rules apply:

  • is valid exactly when

  • applies exactly when


Absolute value properties:

Absolute value has the following properties in real space:

  • The absolute value of the number a is positive or equal to 0:

  • The absolute value is equal to 0 exactly when a = 0:

  • Points a and - a are equidistant from the coordinate origin, so their absolute value is the same. Equality follows directly from the definition of absolute value:

  • The absolute value of the product is equal to the product of the absolute values:

  • The absolute value of the quotient is equal to the quotient of the absolute values.

  • The absolute value of the sum is less than or equal to the sum of the absolute values. This property is called triangular inequality:

    Consequently, the following also applies:

Geometric meaning of the absolute value:

Absolute value has two important meanings in geometry:

Point distance a:

On the number line, | a | is the distance of the point a from the origin of the coordinate system.

Graphically, this is shown as:


Distance between points a and b:

Using the absolute value, we can calculate the distance between the points a and b. The peculiarity of the absolute value is that we do not need to first determine which number is greater than the other (we know: the absolute value of any number is always a non-negative number.) So:

Mathematically, we write this as:

The distance between the points a and b is the same:

Graphically, this is shown as:


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material editor: Azeez Adesina