The Absolute Value of a Complex Number

Absolute value of a complex number

The absolute value of the complex number z = a + bi is:

It can also be calculated according to the form:

Geometric value of a complex number

The absolute value of a complex number geometrically represents the distance of a complex number z (the point it represents) from the coordinate origin:

Absolute value properties

The following laws apply to the absolute values of complex numbers:

  • The absolute value is a non-negative real number:

  • The absolute value of a complex number is zero if and only if the complex number is equal to 0:

  • The complex number z, its additive inverse and its conjugate, all have the same absolute values:

  • The conjugate value of the product of two complex numbers is equal to the product of their conjugate values:

  • The absolute value of the sum of two complex numbers is less than or equal to the sum of their absolute values:

Equation of a circle in a complex plane

A circle in a complex plane with centre at the point and radius r is defined by the equation:


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