Equations of motion

Equations of motion problem 20

A girl G is riding a bicycle at a constant velocity of . At time , she passes a boy B sitting on a bicycle that is stationary as shown below:

At time , the boy sets off to catch up with the girl. He accelerates uniformly from time until he reaches a speed of in a time of . He then continues at a constant speed of . At time , the boy catches up with the girl. is measured in seconds.

  • State, in terms of , the distance moved by the girl before the boy catches up with her.

  • For the boy, determine

    • the distance moved during his acceleration,

    • the distance moved during the time that he is moving at constant speed. Give your answer in terms of .

  • Use your answers in a and b to determine the time taken for the boy to catch up with the girl.


main author and content editor: Adebola Oluwadare